- Wed, 02 Mar 2005 19:58:49 -0800 (Pacific Standard Time) -

To: wj.clancy@sasktel.net
Subject: Your Web Page.

I have just returned home from "Navy Days in Qualicum Beach" and one of the attendees,
who was a participant in the first bonspiel, appraised me of this Web Page. My name is
Ralph Oggelsby and I did get this event started in January of 1964. My second son was born in Saskatoon
while the bonspiel was being held. I have thought of attending this event again over the years but it always
seemed as if something was going on that prevented me from getting there. I completed 30 years
with the Navy, before retiring and working for the Frigate Program in Ottawa, for an additional 11 years.
While working there, I travelled to Saskatoon on many occasions to visit SED Systems, one of our
contractors, however this was normally in the Summer months and, of course, very little curling was
happening then. I did however, drop in to Unicorn on several occasions. I have a special place in my
heart for Saskatoon and was immensely pleased to see that the annual bonspiel continues to be well
attended. The creator and maintainer/s of this Web Page should be congratulated. Good luck to you
all and may you enjoy continued success.


Ralph Oggelsby

Lt(N) Retired